DIE WITH ZERO! maximizing net fulfillment, over net worth

2 years ago

I'm with Author and legendary energy trader, Bill Perkins on this episode. Bill's book "Die with Zero", details a thought-provoking framework for maximizing net fulfillment, over net worth. Your life is made up of experiences, so go out there and experience life NOW instead of saving all your money for a time in your life (usually at retirement), when you may not be able to utilize that wealth to experience life.

This book really excited me and I hope you enjoy this conversation.

Bill Perkins can be reached on IG @billperkins Check out the book at www.diewithzerobook.com

Zach Rance, Certified Life Coach | Certified Nutritionist
Questions, Comments, or Business Inquiries Visit: LifeCoachZach.com
Follow me on Instagram: @ZachRancey

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