American Revolution - "Battle of Green Spring" - July 6, 1781

1 year ago

British General Charles Lord Cornwallis... Benedict Arnold... Marquis de Lafayette... General Anthony Wayne.

On the morning of July 6, 1781 - advancing with several regiments, Wayne marched right into a veteran British brigade which then smashed through the American right flank with a decisive bayonet charge while the American left was hard-pressed by British light infantry.

Lafayette gave the order for the entire American force to withdraw. Wayne’s men formed a rearguard. For fifteen minutes the two sides blazed away at each other. Eventually, Wayne decided that the carnage was too great for his men and ordered a retreat. The Americans fell back to Richmond in order to regroup and re-supply. Meanwhile, Cornwallis received new orders to set up a permanent supply base... at Yorktown.

Bringing to life with vivid recreations, sound and editing -- focused living history documentaries on Rev War battles -- as well as some of the men who led and those who followed and fought with heroism and without regard for themselves - fighting for family, home… love of country and the men standing in line next to them.

For education, entertainment, enlightenment and inspiration. We hope you enjoy and even learn something. Never forget who came before us!

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