Yoga For Text Neck #yoga #yogatips #heartopening #chestopening #flexibility #textneck #relax #open

1 year ago

Yoga for Text Neck benefits for working mom at home

Yoga is a great way to prevent text neck and other posture problems that come with spending hours at a time staring at a screen. But, if you're a working mom who spends most of her day at home with your kids, it can be hard to find the time to fit in regular yoga practice. Here are some tips for making sure you get in your yoga fix:

1) Take a few minutes every morning before the kids wake up to do some basic stretches. This will help keep your body limber and ready for any activity throughout the day.

2) Do some simple poses while watching TV with your children--you don't have to be perfect! Just make sure you're sitting up straight and not slouching over or leaning too far forward (which could lead to text neck).

3) Schedule time each week when everyone takes a break from screens (or just turn off their devices) so they can go outside and play together as a family--this will give everyone an opportunity to move around naturally, which is good for overall health!

Youtube : Yoga with Stephanie

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