Top Down Dead Ash over Power lines and Highway

1 year ago

Topping down one very dead Ash tree leaning over the power lines and main highway through town.

The tree is leaning forward hard towards the power lines and with no climbing rope above me not swinging around on that trunk on just flip lines was a challenge (where my back would be next to the power lines) so I did a standard tie in when cutting just for good measure.

I probably could have gotten the top section over with just wedges but it was rotten (and hollowed out ) and arching right above the power lines and being they're the main lines feeding the entire town I couldn't risk losing this one so had the homeowner on the assist with a pull line. Went well.

Then I chunked the remaining down by hand. If you're wondering why the small chunks, its because I had a poor drop zone below me. The sidewalks right below me and the tree leaning over that, along with the mailbox, fence and fence post, all which I needed to avoid naturally. Additionally the sidewalk slopes down to the gutter so I didn't want any rounds rolling out into the road and causing an accident.

So I had to hand toss everything off to the gravel drive just for good measure, and didn't want to strain my back with any really heavy pieces, also above the lines I didn't want a piece large enough that I might lose it and have it fall across the power lines.

Also you don't see it in the video, but I installed two 4x4 supports to help prop up the trunk while I was moving around on it. You'll see the reason I did that at the end of the video, note the condition of the base of the trunk.

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