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2 years ago

The two lampstands are explained in Zechariah 4. The lampstands represents Moses e Elijah. Moses represents the LAW, Elijah the profets. Or in other words the Old Testament and the New Testament (prophesy).
The lampstand, menorah, stood in front of the table of the 12 showbreads. 12 Showbreads, one bread (alimentation) for each tribe of Israel. The Word of God, Old and New Testament (2 Olive Trees) will be preached in the Great Tribulation to the people left behind at the Rapture of the Church and the nation Israel. The Two witnesses are full of the Holy Spirit, the oil from the crushed olives out of the two Olive Trees. They are two, because upon the testimony of two witnesses an accused one was allowed to be put to death (Deut. 17:6).


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