Predator Hunting Wild Dogs in Australia | 204 Ruger | Pulsar Thermion XQ50 Thermal Scope

3 years ago

I'm out a few nights a week hunting predators AKA wilds dogs and foxes with Thermal. This specific wild dog culled was the result of a property owner calling me that three animals had been spotted that afternoon. So I grabbed my rifle, thermal gear and zipped straight out for a planned after dark hunt. As you'll see, again I didn't get into the planned area before I bumped this animal down on the flats.

I always get asked - Is that a Dingo - NO it is not. This is a hybrid wild dog which will have dingo DNA but is interbred over many generations with domestic, escaped or dumped dogs. These hybrid animals unlike the dingo will kill livestock and native animals for fun. They predate differently, are larger and more aggressive. Often not even scared of man. They are not cute fluffy animals which can be tamed or rehomed. In my area they must be controlled. 1080 Baiting, soft jaw trapping and ground shooting are all part the equation in pest management.

The wild dogs are becoming an enormous issue in my local area. Hunting them with thermal optics at night time is probably the most efficient ground shooting method. It takes a lot of patience and just being plan stubborn some nights.

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