Spiritual Weather Report - Prophetic Word 1/29/2023

1 year ago

Today's Forecast:
- Today's aches and sorrows will be turned into joys and inspirations of tomorrow
- Saw god's grace flowing down from heaven, flowing into this planet and filling it back up where it deserves to be
- Elden Ring - we are all tarnished, searching for our lost sites of grace where we can and be restored and rejuvenated
- Concepts of heaven have made it into that game
- We all need to pray and meditate on God's grace coming into us, restoring our faith and the planet

- My advice - I deleted the majority of my news channels this year as a new year's resolution. I still see and hear things, but It has really been helpful for changing the record of my life, getting the needle off of one record and onto a new one that's been entirely more productive, and one where I am hearing from heaven more which is more truthful and inspiring than constant news.

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