Quiet Talks on Personal Problems, by Samuel Dickey - Part 3

1 year ago

Samuel Dickey - Quiet Talks on Personal Problems - Part 3

"Study to Keep Quiet."

There are four great traits of God to be seen in nature, in His Word, and in His speaking within one's inner spirit. God is quiet. The earth has grown noisy. Nature is still. There are storm noises and earthquakes, but these result from disturbances above and below. Both the disturbances and the noises are abnormal, not true to nature. Man has become noisy. God is quiet.

Noise reveals weakness; something is out of gear or tune. Sound is rhythm. Noise is discord; it is a result of friction always, a jarring of two or more forces. The members of the orchestra are not controlled by the leader's eye; they are free-lancing. Strength is still. It may give a sound, but it is always a sound of stillness. It is rhythmic, harmonious, musical. God is quiet. He is revealing Himself, all the time, up to the highest possible limit, to His much-loved race of men. But He can come in only through an opened door. He can reveal Himself only to the man who opens his door. Sympathy with God, oneness of spirit with Him, is the key.

A spirit of quiet stillness opens the life to this marvelous, quiet God. We can all recall how, in moments of quietness, God has spoken into the inner ear, and we have long remembered what He said. We can remember, too, how at such times His speaking has deepened the quiet in our souls. God would woo us into that quietness of spirit akin to his own, that we may be living again in our native atmosphere— His presence. To a man absorbed in Christian activity, rushing, pushing, with nerves on tension and blood boiling, who wearily turned to God in prayer, there came one day into the inner ear, as he was on bent knees, a Voice speaking with great softness and equally great clearness, "Study to be quiet."

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