God who sits on an island where a bridge is built only once a year. Japan travel

1 year ago

Healing Japan Travel
Zempukuji Park, Suginami Ward, Tokyo. Benten-sama sits on an island in a vast pond.
The bridge has now been removed, and only once a year on April 8, when the annual festival is held, can the bridge be crossed and the shrine visited.
Minamoto no Yoritomo (1567-1591) is said to have invited the god to the temple, and since then, rain-making ceremonies have been held there during droughts.
It is interesting to know that such a nature-rich sanctuary remains in Tokyo.
Please come and feel it!

Compiled from a map of Gen no Yoritomo's Mukushu expedition in Bunji 5 (Tokyo Metropolitan Library)
Created by processing "Doshishirube near Edo, vol. 26 [24]"(National Diet Library)

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My name is Mayu Noda.
I will introduce the charm of shrines around Tokyo, which I love.
Sometimes temples too.

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If you are interested in learning more about shrines and temples, please write to us with your questions. There are shrines everywhere in Japan. Akihabara in Tokyo is famous for its electric town, but there are shrines even in its back alleys.

I hope that when people from other countries visit Japan, they will feel the sanctity of shrines and clear their minds.

I am not an expert, but I would like to answer questions as I learn more myself. Once I have some of the questions finalized, I will put them on video. Please write to me.

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