How to maximize your stay at President Trump's Albemarle Estate at Trump Winery.

1 year ago

Trump Hotels are amazing! We have been to several of them - Las Vegas, New York, Miami, etc. But the best is The Albemarle Estate at Trump Winery. The reason that it is the best is that it is the most exclusive. The beautiful Georgian style mansion is 25,000 square feet and surrounded by hundreds of acres of beautiful countryside and vineyards, but it is super exclusive! The have only 6 guest rooms in the main house, 4 guest rooms in the pool house and then the cabin. The staff is top shelf and service is for what Trump Hotels are known!

Check it out the estate at this link:

Make reservations at this link:

Join the Trump Card® Privileges Program at this link:

When you join the program, you will get periodic emails about a variety of promotions throughout the year. A couple times a year they will offer gift cards at a 20% discount. So if you buy a $2,000 gift card, it only costs you $1,600.

Then, watch for when they have sales on bookings. Several times a year they will offer discounts on reservations of 10%, 15% or 20%, so you could end up vacationing at the Albemarle Estate at a 40% discount!

This will work at any Trump Hotel property, but Albemarle is the most exclusive! It is a great way for average folks to enjoy some of the finer things at a great price!

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