January 16, 2023 ❤️ Jesus says... I treasure the Soul, who only wants to satisfy My Desires

1 year ago

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Source... Sister Clare's full Teachings in english... http://www.heartdwellers.org

I treasure the Soul, who only wants to satisfy My Desires

January 16, 2023 – Words from Jesus & Sister Clare

(Clare) Thank You Lord, that when we are weak, You are strong, working through us. Amen.

My precious ones, the Lord is still talking about war, and not just rumors of war. Since I am so very aware that the Rapture will happen on the heels of this horrible nuclear event, I feel very compromised in prayer.

A part of me really wants to go home (I’ll be 77 in a few months), and I have a very weak body at this point from the fibromyalgia, and there are moments when I despair of my weariness, both physical and mental, and long to be free. But then I see there is still much to do for others, for the elderly and poor as well as messages for the Body of Christ and songs. These are things I just love to do, but I am really tired, dear family.

Now I know that when I am weak, He is strong, working through me. So, I do not despair, but look forward to the next wave of grace to carry me through, but since I am only human, I do struggle with this contradiction. On the one hand I want to pray for President Trump, seeing him in office for another term and turn this nation around, defeating the dark ones. On the other hand, I know that if he is assassinated, things will come to a head very quickly, and our nation’s hope will dwindle as the dark ones take the upper hand, and the rapture will happen much sooner.

I cannot tell all of you what to do, but it is a matter of conscience for me that I do my best to preserve our nation through prayer and messages of encouragement. How are you feeling, dear ones? How are you handling the looming prospects and the long drawn out wars and rumors of wars? Yes Lord, I know it’s not long now. I know we are the generation of the blossoming olive tree, but… How long, oh Lord, how long? Even the witches are hoping to be rid of us soon.

Here I am, writing this quietly to the Lord and I hear my husband’s voice from the other room… ‘I just got a Rhema… You do not have long to stay here.’ WOW, that was timely. Well, one thing worth mentioning is that the Lord will allow us to come back with a glorified body to assist our brothers and sisters. Ezekiel believes that those who are called to stay behind and help others will have regenerated and strengthened bodies, and all the faculties, including spiritual insight and empowerment, that they need to do this demanding job. It stands to reason that the Lord would do that for those called to stay behind and lead, because a lot of them are weakened and burned out as well. Sweet Jesus, I know I am complaining, have you anything to say?

(Jesus) “I’ve been waiting for a break in your conversation with yourself, Beloved. You are just very, very tired, and I am proud of you for making the decision to do the right thing even though it costs you every day. I am counting on you to continue to do the right thing, up until the very moment I snatch you off that mountain and bring you home with Me.

“Your feelings are right to feel compromised between serving and suffering, or calling it a day and coming home, but I can’t tell you how pleased I am that you are willing to keep going until I do take you up into Heaven with all My Brides. This is what love is all about, sacrificing the very last drop of energy for the Beloved. This is what I did for you, and as you know, the lover must resemble the Beloved.”

(Clare) Am I getting there, Lord?

(Jesus) “Yes, you are, and that is hopeful, but there is a little ways to go. I will not disappoint you with a timetable different than the one first given on your YouTube channel. I did say to you that I have surprises and rewards for those who sacrifice their own interests to pray for Mine to manifest.

“One thing you learned early on in your formation… ‘You cannot out-give the Lord.’ It is impossible to give more to Me than I give to you. There may be a discrepancy in timing, but the rule still applies. What especially is precious to Me is the pure heart. By this I mean a heart that has nothing but My desires and interests at heart, even to the point of self-forgetfulness. How I treasure such souls.”

(Clare) And that was the end of His message. God bless you dear ones, and may God grant us the grace of final perseverance and forgetfulness of self… Amen!

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