Java with Jesus 1/19/23 - The Writing on the Wall

2 years ago

Fellow Pastor & Brother in Christ,

My name is Chuck Robinson and I am the founder and operator of Forged inFire Outreach ministry here in South Bend. We are a small local ministry wilth a growing following online. Forged in Fire Outreach does a live Godcast daily Sunday thru Friday at 8 AM EST on YouTube. The channel is @forgedinfireoutreach2431. Check us out! We’d love to have you join us!

A little about me:
I am ordained and the ministry is nationally chartered with the National Association of Christian Ministers. My credentials are current and valid. I am 59 years old, married and have been saved/born again since 1995. I fell away for a few years, but the Lord saw fit to renew His call on my life.

I have suffered some heavy tragedy which caused me to become stronger and more grounded in Him. I have also seen some amazing things. Signs, miracles and wonders have I seen with my own eyes. My faith is as strong as a hurricane force wind and I am a Spiritual Warrior!

A little about the ministry:
Forged in Fire Outreach has a focus in healing, deliverance and encouragement. We have seen healing results and continue to see God’s hand move mightily!

We just did a Thanksgiving Food drive and, through donations, fed 15 families in our mobile home park. Last season, we grew a vegetable garden, which we will do again this spring, and gave 95% of the produce away to members of the community. We have also cooked and given food away to some of the homeless downtown.

You can see more about us at our web site Be sure to read our Statement of Faith and the praise reports.

As this ministry is lesser known, I just wanted to introduce myself and make myself available to you for possible speaking engagements or possibly a dedicated healing service at some point.

If this sounds like something you would be interested in, please contact me. My info is below.

Charles A Robinson
Forged in Fire Outreach

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