Military Sued Update - Prosecute Pro-Life Dad - Marriages are Down

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Catholic Drive Time - 877-757-9424

Date – Thursday, January 19, 2023 –

INTRO – Is the Military still punishing it’s members for NOT complying? R Davis Younts weighs in.
And – Mark Houck is back.... Bombshell Evidence Could Stop Joe Biden’s Bogus Prosecution of Pro-Life Dad!
Also – Why aren’t young Catholics marrying? - about 54% of Catholic adults were married

Quick News -
- Hollywood studios lost over $500 billion in market value in 2022, with $120 billion of losses coming from Disney alone. The world’s top 30 media companies, showed a 40 percent loss in 2022, with its total market value tumbling from $1.35 trillion to $808 billion, the Financial Times reported.
- New Zealand’s far-left prime minister, Jacinda Ardern, today announced her intention to resign from the nation’s top political position.
- The Justice Department on Tuesday claimed in the 11th US Circuit Court

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What’s Concerning Us? – Bombshell Evidence Could Stop Joe Biden’s Bogus Prosecution of Pro-Life Dad

Guest Seg. - Is the Military still punishing it’s members for NOT complying? R Davis Younts weighs in.
- Vax Mandates
-Low Recruitment
-What about those kicked out?

2nd Hour Guest Seg. - Why aren’t young Catholics marrying?
- Despite the Church’s pro-marriage stance, Catholic marriage rates are not much higher than the general population. In 2014, while about 50% of Americans overall were married, the USCCB reported that about 54% of Catholic adults were married. Those Catholics who do marry, marry at older and older ages.
-But, in reality, devout young adults—even not-so-young adults, in their late twenties and thirties—often get stuck in discernment, unable to commit either to marriage, priesthood, or religious life for fear they might actually be called to a different vocation.
- The 2014 USCCB study showed that 79% of Catholic parents were married and that the majority of Catholic children were growing up in a household with two married, Catholic parents. Since parents’ divorce affects children’s marital success, this is overall good news (though one wishes the number was even higher).
- Even among my married friends and on social media, I hear, “Marriage is hard” a lot and see plenty of examples of the strife and sacrifice it entails—even from the people who verbally encourage their single friends and followers to marry. Though it’s good to be reminded that marriage is hardly a Hallmark movie, I often wish married.
- Pressure to marry, or lack of encouragement to be open to God’s will, actually pushed these young adults further away from marriage.
- WAIT.... All good advice. But rarely were we told when we would be ready for marriage, or how to get ready. Rarely were we told when and how to take an active role in finding a spouse, with God’s assistance. Never were we told when to stop waiting and start dating.
- The “wait” messages we had received growing up implied that there were guys out there just chomping at the bit to date us when the time came, but where were they?
- It’s great to practice communication skills, but communication used to be much easier, because those expectations were set by the culture. Young people benefited from the combined experience and wisdom of many generations and were given ready-made boundaries that all good people knew and followed, safeguarding their chastity and smoothing the road to the altar. Now that this entire aspect of our culture has

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