Formal or Informal

1 year ago

Make sure you get the pitch right and know your audience!

One of the first things I’m asked when I have someone speaking in public is how to dress?!

Here’s 10 tips to make sure you make a great impression…

1. Dress for the occasion: The type of event and audience you'll be speaking to will dictate the type of clothing you should wear. A formal business conference will require a different level of dress than a casual community event.

2. Dress professionally: It's important to dress professionally and in a manner that is appropriate to the occasion. Avoid clothing that is too casual or too revealing.

3. Dress for comfort: Choose clothing that you feel comfortable in, as this can help to reduce nerves and increase confidence.

4. Dress to project the image you want: Your clothing should project the image you want to convey. For example, if you want to project authority, you may wear a suit and tie.

5. Dress for the setting: Consider the setting of your speech, for example if you are giving a speech outdoors, consider the weather and dress appropriately.

6. Be aware of cultural and religious considerations: Be aware of the cultural and religious considerations of your audience and dress accordingly.

7. Avoid flashy or distracting clothing: Avoid clothing that is too flashy or distracting. The focus should be on your message, not on your clothes.

8. Pay attention to details: Make sure your clothes are clean, ironed and well-maintained. This will give the audience the impression that you take your presentation seriously.

9. Coordinate your clothing: Coordinate your clothing so that it complements your overall look. Consider the color of your clothing and how it will look on camera, if applicable.

10. Remember that the key is to dress appropriately, professionally and in a way that you feel comfortable and confident.

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