The Wedge and the Wim Hof Method

1 year ago

In 2013 I had no idea that my meeting with Wim Hof was going to transform my life. I figured he would just be another charlatan guru on the make for his millions. Now, 7 years into my journey with the Wim Hof method I've begun to dissect some of the underlying principles for how our nervous system works.

Where the WHM revolves around breathing and cold, you can use The Wedge to gain resilience to any environmental stimulus. By putting our intentions in between an environmental condition and a pre-programmed response you can flip your neurological script and do some pretty amazing things.

In this video is from talk that I gave at the Aspen Brain Lab about the underlying processes, but you'll learn a lot more it in my book "The Wedge" t


The Wedge:

What Doesn't Kill Us

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