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"Trump-phobic rant" #1

2 years ago

So the title of my video is obviously meant to be tongue-in-cheek. But I'm not kidding when I say that I would not be surprised if "Trump-phobia" began trending. I can remember when conservatives used to make fun of those on the left who equate the word "phobia" with the word "hate," and who--because they do not want to engage in an actual conversation--will hurl such insults at a person and then run away.

Sadly, this is what many Trump supporters have begun to resort to as well. I haven't actually been called "Trump-phobic" yet, but I have many times of late been met with the equivalent label of being a "Trump hater." I'm not. But, as I have always said, running for office is a job interview, and if Trump is applying once again for the job of POTUS, then it is reasonable and right for us to interview the man and expect some answers from him. That's what I'm doing, because I think it is the smart and responsible thing for voters to do--no matter who the candidate is.



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  • The fuss about Trump is a huge distraction no matter who's making it. The sad truth is that before Trump took office almost no one in our entire government was working for us. Campaign promises on the right were regarded as a joke. No one believed that GOP candidates would honor their campaign promises to us. And while it's true that Dems who campaigned on a conservative agenda NEVER intended to honor that, voters wrongfully assumed that they wouldn't honor their promises to keep taking our country further down the road to destruction too. But they were absolutely not kidding about destroying us. No one else has fought as hard for us as Trump has with so very little support from the leadership of his own party! No one. TRUMP showed them up for the snakes and weasels and slackers that they are, and made us all HUNGRY and THIRSTY for something better. We realized that we COULD have more, that they were DENYING us more, and that we SHOULD DEMAND AND EXPECT AND REQUIRE more of them or kick them to the curb. That collective realization alone was worth all of the blood, sweat, tears, and failures. Has he made mistakes? Could he have done better? Absolutely. On so many things, including the response to COVID. But--doing so outed their evil schemes for everyone to see. It isn't Trump's fault that our collective will and ability to stop them has not so far been sufficient to the task. He isn't all-powerful and couldn't magically fix it all. A president is just one man and we're fighting the many-headed hydra on the other side of this, and it has a well-entrenched power base. The only way to take it down is to rebuild our government from the ground up. Just because he's no longer president doesn't mean that Trump has stopped fighting, and neither should we. We need every person of good will who's able to carry the fight for that, no matter how flawed or imperfect. We can't do this without Trump, whatever his future role going forward. We NEED him--and we need you.