Love is the Greatest. (1 Corinthians 12:25-13:11)

1 year ago

I used to think that "Love is..." was a beautiful poem, right up there with "A time to..." in Ecclesiastes. Found that though it (Ecc 3:1-8) is written as a poem, it's just as rich theology and beauty. We're one Body, The one Bride, we are made to lift each other up not cast each other down. Gifts are wonderful, we should earnestly desire the most helpful gifts Paul says (31) More important than all the gifts in the world is to Love. What is revival without Love? What are miracles without The ONE they point to being the focus? What is it to do it all if we go down to the grave having never lived a day in Love? We see what Love is.. how can we do better? LORD help us see how. That we may more readily live the Love YOU have shown us when YOU died for us and called us Your own.

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