FBI Masonic Church perps play 2019 noise pattern to sleepdeprive me

1 year ago

So far i have posted their clunk, drop, drag, band, tick, screetch noises that they use to wake me up past midnight

This time they used the 2019 pattern to wake me up. They use deliberately nosies and act as if they are normal.

The parasitic perps sleep all day but take turns and operate at hourly shafts to harass and provoke me continuously since 2018 the year i came inside this university.

I learned that majority of the foreign students are fbi agents including the brazilian citizens
they use right wing church system to recruit people, they also use the skull&bone network system which is undergraduate university secret society netwrok
they also use freemasonic pact. ANTIFA Black lives matter and black panter are all FBI networks

I have learned so much about how they form and operate. These leeches single out and destroy anyone who does not will to join them and those who show a little tinsy bit of opposition agaisnt them

i am technically graduated, thankfully and i appreciate and treasure the grace of God that was with me during all these times

They have all foreign nationales, including muslim pakis and right wing christian network of haiti. they use different layers of social groupings

This video is for public awareness about the undercover terrorism of US agents that are in the secret society group, police and military branches and inside university

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