Oak Hill Church of Christ 11-06-22 Message: "Inseparable"

1 year ago

Oak Hill Church of Christ preaching minister, Randy Sterling, delivers a message on the peace that comes through understanding God's ever-present love and mercy toward His children.

When most people think about being tempted, they think about being tempted to receive something which they deeply desire but know they should not. However, one of the worst temptations that can befall one of God's children is the temptation to believe that their past actions have permanently separated them from God's love and mercy.

The Bible instructs that those who follow Christ and are obedient to God cannot be separated permanently from God's love by any means. God does not have a mercy hourglass whose sand can depart, signalling the end of forgiveness and the beginning of damnation. God is always willing to welcome the returning wayward son or daughter.

The wily nature of Satan is such that we may often be tempted to believe our latest indiscretions are the card which will topple the flimsy castle of our relationship with God. In truth, God is the strongest foundation and his love is unassailable.

If you are fearing separation from God or have been living in the belief that God has abandoned you for your past misdeeds, consider the words of God in the Bible instructing to the contrary and find comfort in God's love and mercy once more.

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