3 Ways to Have the BEST Year Ever!

2 years ago

Leadership Excellence Ltd. Website: https://leadershipexcellencenow.com
Contact Greg: coach@leadershipexcellencenow.com
Recommended Video: The Power of Making Your Own Decisions: https://youtu.be/UI3_kKcswng
Recommended Video: Why Most Goals FAIL: https://youtu.be/8Fa8Mv60GG8

The title of this video is: 3 Ways to Have the BEST Year Ever!

This is Greg Thomas. Welcome to the Leadership Excellence channel. As we begin a New Calendar year, I want to take a few moments to encourage you to make this a pivotal year in your life. I would like to offer you just three essential points or ways to enhance your life during the coming year.

The first point is this… Pick one self-improvement, or personal growth goal you have always wanted to do… or have been putting off… and start right now… today! Break through the barrier of procrastination and get started right away. As I tell my clients… don’t put off until “someday” the things you can do today. Almost all the time, that “someday” never happens and eventually we all run out of some days.

So, get started immediately. If you need help creating a goal process that really works, I have included a video titled, Why Goals Fail… in the comments section. To repeat, the first point is to take just one self-improvement, or personal growth goal you have always wanted to do… or have been putting off and start right now… get started today! Then, work on it a little bit tomorrow, the day after, and every day. In time the daily momentum will inspire you to complete it. Go ahead… take that first step!

Here is the 2nd point. It’s absolutely true that attitude is everything! Some even say that attitude is the only thing because if we have a hostile, negative attitude, it will sabotage just about everything we do in life. Numerous studies have demonstrated that if you truly want to be successful and happy, your one essential task is to create and maintain a positive attitude. When you've got an attitude of enthusiasm, expectancy and optimism… your opportunities grow, and perceived problems shrink. A business leader with a positive attitude draws people to his or her mission, and encourages them to do their best work. Our “self-talk” is an ongoing dialogue we have within ourselves during the day.

If we allow negativity to enter our thinking, it can soon overwhelm our personality and perspective. Choose to start each day with positive thoughts and attitudes. Using positive affirmations each morning… will make a big difference in your temperament, actions, and your public example to others. So, this 2nd point is to start each day making the “choice” to take a positive approach to “today” and to maintain it throughout the day… no matter what happens to you.

The 3rd point I want to mention… is to develop, and maintain a deep core value of gratitude as you start this new year. Gratitude is a positive emotion that involves being thankful and appreciative for what you have now. When you experience gratitude, you feel grateful for something, or someone in your life and you respond with feelings of kindness, warmth, and other forms of generosity. That doesn’t mean life can’t be better, or that it is wrong to desire more… but in the present, we are thankful and appreciative for everything we do have. “Happiness is not having what you want, but wanting what you have.” Gratitude actually opens the door to greater opportunities.

So, to have the best year… ever please remember these 3 points. The 1st point is to take just one self-improvement, or personal growth goal you have always wanted to do… or have been putting off… and start right now… today! Then, work on it tomorrow, the day after, and every day. In time the daily momentum will inspire you to accomplish it. The 2nd point is to start each day making the “choice” to take a positive approach to “today” and to maintain it throughout the day… no matter what happens to you.

The 3rd point is to develop and maintain a deep core value of gratitude as you start this new year. Be thankful and appreciative for everything you presently have.

All three of these essential points have one thing in common. They are all a choice by you! You have the freedom and power to make these choices.
The power of choice allows us to “improve” our physical features, our attitude, our education, and our ultimately our desired future. So get started today, and choose to have a better future and a great new year.

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