The Sloth Power Animal

9 months ago
Hello friends and welcome to today's video about the sloth! Sloths have been lived for millions of years on the earth and are native to Central & South America. There are six species of sloths which are divided into 2 categories: two-toed and three-toed. They’re known for their slow movement and their long, curved claws which help them hang onto trees. The graceful sloth moves through tropical forests at a snail’s pace. They’re herbivores with a diet of mostly of leaves, twigs, and fruits. Sloths live mostly upside down and spend much of their time eating, sleeping, and raising their offspring. They’re good climbers and good parents. Sloths stay close to their cubs for up to 9 months. The easy-going sloth adapts well and knows how to peacefully co-exist with their environment. They have gray and brown fur that is where many microorganisms and insects camouflage themselves. The quiet sloth goes through life in a deliberate way with no sense of urgency. They’re basically very friendly and avoid confrontation. However, they’re very capable of defending themselves and will strike back rather harshly if crossed.

We know that life nowadays is busy, even hectic, and rushing causes stress that leads to illness. The cool sloth is an example of how to find peace and relaxation. They’re symbols of invisibility, independence, and conscious awareness. Call on their spirit to live in the present and to get in touch with your inner self. Visit our website to learn how the different power animals can help us in different ways. Thank you for watching and have a great day

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