Overnight Opinions: The Civil War Has Begun... But in Oregon?

2 years ago

Thanks for listening to Overnight Opinions, a weekly news roundup on the Ladies Love Politics channel. Here you’ll get current events blended with spicy commentary directed at our elected leaders.
It’s late, you’re awake, let’s get started …
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Background Music Credit:
Music: Hang for Days - Silent Partner https://youtu.be/A41A0XeU2ds

The Oregon-Idaho border was established more than 160 years ago. Today, the divide between fellow Oregonians is so extreme, that one group wants to split and merge with Idaho.
It’s called the “Greater Idaho Movement.” This group asserts that northwest Oregon - think Portland and all those BLM protests - holds 79% of the state’s population. They believe this has created an unbalanced power structure - one that leaves the rest of Oregon residents overshadowed and without a voice. They believe if left unchecked this will allow Oregon to “violate more and more American values and American freedoms.”
So what’s the beef about? Lawlessness, taxes that are too high, out of control wildfires, excessive regulation, high cost of living...but it’s also about power. They note that the areas in contention -the eastern districts and the rural districts - have only 2 representatives in the Oregon statehouse. However, if the border was moved, these new districts would be a part of the ruling party in Idaho- the Republican party.
So far, 11 of the proposed 15 counties have voted to join the Greater Idaho movement and abandon Oregon. They complain that only 25% of registered voters in Oregon are Republican and that they haven’t had a Republican Governor in 40 years. Meanwhile, Idaho is one of the top 5 most conservative states in the U.S. and 80% of the legislature is Republican. This is all laid out in their FAQ on the website.
They’re saying the quiet part out loud: this isn’t about freedom, per se. This is about being in power, only being ruled by your kind, in this case, the Republican party. It’s about us v. them and if victory is not an option we’ll just leave mentality. How do I know all this? Well, this is part of the case the movement is making, plastering it all over their website. It’s partisan politics plain and simple. Just take a listen to some of the categories on their FAQ section:
Plus there’s maps of how the counties and how they voted in the presidential elections. They literally just took a marker and annexed the blue northwestern part of Oregon, then dipped down for a few counties in California. They did sacrifice a couple of red districts sandwiched between the blue ones, but hey, some sacrifices have to be made, you know?
It’s like if Napoleon Bonaparte wore a MAGA hat and started his crusade to take over the country in eastern oregon.
Becoming clearer now, isn't it? It’s a I didn’t win, I'll just take my toys and go home type of vibe.
The Citizens for Greater Idaho is partnered with Move Oregon’s Border - both of which are responsible for carrying out the “Greater Idaho Movement. Their goal is simple: “We promote the idea of creating a greater (bigger & stronger) Idaho so that conservative counties can become a part of a red state.”
The movement claims that polling shows more than 60% of Oregon voters are on board with the decision. They also have met the legislature of Idaho . The governor of Idaho has spoken positively about these ideas and is on board.
But isn’t it a bit strange? It’s all blue v. red. If they were in power all would be okay? I doubt it. This movement is enabling the idea that different types of people, those with different political beliefs, can’t even reside in the same state. It’s a bit childish, a bit immature. This is how a constitutional republic works. This is democracy in action. Liberals won. Democrats are in charge.
Apparently, the Republican party in Oregon can’t handle that they are losers. They don’t have winning ideas or they would have winning campaigns and have the statehouse. And is this a solution? I didn’t win so therefore I’ll just get the next state to take care of me? Everyone claims they are rational and live in the land of common sense, but conservatives of this nature really need to check themselves. You LOST! Do better. Get organized. Propose something other than whining. You also lost the presidential election…. But I don’t see you leaving the country…
Everyone, the civil war has begun. I never thought it would happen in Idaho and Oregon, but here we are. It’s a war of borders but this isn’t a great sign for the country.
Good luck, but this seems a bit whiny to me. I lived in New York and got tired of the high cost of living, the high crime rates, the low quality of living, woke policies - so I LEFT and went on with my life. I get that it is’ difficult to do, but it can be done. If things are really as dangerous and expensive as you say, then don’t stay there. It’s like how conservatives hate blue states but then get their news from Fox in NYC and listen to pundits residing in NY or CA. Even the annual CPAC conference gathering of conservatives takes place in the swamp of D.C. Blue states can’t be that bad if everyone hangs out there, lives there, and does business there, can they?
Just because you’re unhappy with where you’re at doesn’t mean the entire state needs to bend to your will and get out of your way.
If it was more along the lines of - we are bleeding to death with taxes and regulation and we want out, we want to be free, great. But this is really all a party.
All I want is to win and fly my flag … but if I don't, all I’m gonna be a sore loser and bitch about it. Why don’t you just leave your own state… yeah, that’s right, that’s too hard. You need a state and government to support you. If I really wanted less government, I wouldn’t be rooting for switching masters. That’s just rearranging the deckchairs on the Titanic. Try to emancipate yourself entirely and live with less regulation and taxes.
It’s gonna get weird if every-time a state swings one way politically the opposing party tries to annex the state. Dear God, my home state of Ohio will be doing this every four years.
Idaho is sitting on nearly $2 billion in revenue surplus. That’s money taxed out of Idahoans paycheck, given to their lords in the statehouse, and then socked away for their keeping. How safe do you think that will be, though? Residents are having money taken away from them but then not getting a return on $2 billion. Overtaxing and hoarding, doesn't sound too conservative to me… but run to their welcoming arms if you must.
Moving borders won’t solve problems… it will only create more. We’ll be moving them every 4 years and make life more complicated. The liberals you left behind are still living in this country so you can’t ever escape them… the only solution is a civil war then.
We can blame politicians for being petty all we want, but look at this crap. Petty people doing petty things. Play stupid games and win stupid prizes. Something has to give with the things that are going on in this country, but this aint it… it’s just a pep rally that could turn into an accidental civil war. Splitting from each other isn’t the solution. Divide and conquer - those in power know it. Politicians constantly make us feel pitted against others - that way we don’t hold them accountable. No, it’s our liberal neighbors and their voting ways.
Let me know when the real revolution begins… I’ll be waiting on the sidelines with Ron Paul.

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