incels are not a threat to women (they are correct about them)

1 year ago

one of the worst songs ever written
i hate this feel good coming of age shit
imma tell this guy (if i ever meet him)
it's okay the clash will save us
all bad music can be remedied w/ good music
bob marley makes me sad, it is not happy stoner music
metallica is better rage music, but i dig punk
i forgot my Bible, it's still in my bed
i get stuck where ever i am and it's so annoying, man
avg americans don't have thoughts to be lost in
best part of the song right here
i wanna be in this band so bad but joe strummer is gone RIP
start a band that's just me (DONE hence piano punk)
not turn over the tables change the world
reminding somebody not to kill themselves is an important enough thing to do
piano punk is my internalized reactionary self (as well as this channel)
my fave album is sandinista, mainly due to the transgressive aspect (promoting communism) but london calling really is their best
it's not that crazy to not go fast in the fast lane considering...
hashtag i'm clever
i could actually get somewhere in this shit *digital world if only i'd go on twitter hahaha
reactions to reactions to reactions, so interesting!
we really are just mimicking russia hahaha (and not in an Orthodox vladimir putin kinda way)
funny, talented people online STILL doin the SAME SHIT
am i the only one who couldn't give less of a fuck about kevin mcCarthy
you can change yer community by helping people
they steal from us so why would we expect anything outta them
you shouldn't be outraged, you should be used to this shit
it's not gonna change by complaints and votes but OUR REMOVAL from their system
what ag does works damnit
running red light right in front of a cop
cops don't have the time to stop crime
at least that girl is in a place way better than this one
i know that i advocate for domestic violence but...
this happened in nashville two days ago
the utter uselessness of calling 9/11
Jesus was not protocol so He is the example we are supposed to follow
following the rules gets people killed
there is a lot you can tell about somebody based on their picture
final fb post indicated that he had nothin left to lose
damnity damn my glasses are so dirty
not just the govt but the entire system
this girl's mother is suing the nashville police dpt
mentioning their race cos the msm will not under any circumstance mention this (BLACK LIVES DO NOT MATTER TO THE MSM!)
blacks are violent due to lack of impulse control, whites are violent due to psych meds
should women have guns?
saw this article on incels recently...
one of those typical liberal women publications like huff post
incels talk smack online, that's it
talking smack online vs ACTIONS
in your cell means avoiding women not hurting them
men obsessed w/ women will hurt them not men avoiding women, you dumb balls

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