society shoulda just gotten a lobotomy

1 year ago

another seemingly libertarian rant
if the govt can't even fix the roads...
why would you want them to have any authority whatsoever if they can't even

weird for yours truly to wear a seatbelt
i follow rules when i wanna
i shock thelonious every once in awhile
i wonder if my car can roll its' eyes
crazy bitch gotta keep on babbling bout the same shit
anthropomorphism, worrying my car is disappointed in me
if i had been smoking mj that day, i wouldn't have gotten impulsive and pulled out in front of someone
i'm not advocating for people getting high
romantic comedy starring julia roberts (that's how you know it's for real)
of course pretty woman was on lifetime
commercial after commercial advertising medication
psychiatrists are scum of the earth
my intuition has always been correct
i can use cannabis cos i'm special
don't do it my way, it's mine
the reason why they get away w/ it is cos of the sheep just going along
sumin deep inside me *God told me not to
be prepared to get called selfish
i'm not trying to rebel
if i didn't "rebel" i'd be lyin to myself
NOT sorry!
if you have a smartphone there's no excuse to not follow the $
they just do the same thing
say hi to the dead bears
iced coffee w/out the ice
literal hell to pay, society gonna sizzle
they took the advice of the world
not gonna be a guinea pig/cyborg
i've done well thus far but i wonder how it's gonna be in the future
i know i don't say things right
i don't wanna be everybody else on the internet
i hate these chords w/ a passion
missing out willingly+guilt trip
technology has ruined everything
how bout i just turn my back on everything i believe in
you don't believe in diddley squat
always scratching my left eye
no pills for that tho...i shouldn't have joked about this there will be a pill in a couple wks
now you can walk on a dock w/ confidence (you might have a heart attack tho)

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