Have you tried Jumex Peach Nectar?

2 years ago

If you have been around here a while, you will know that we have tried a few of the flavors that Jumex offers. We are continuing down this winding road by reviewing Jumex Peach Nectar today. My questions to you all are, have you tried Jumex Peach Nectar before?
A few of the flavors we have tried were viewer recommendations, but this one I saw, and being a peach fan, thought I give it a go on my own.
The first thing to know is that Jumex peach nectar isn't the same as peach juice. This is also not a healthy food drink, it is similar to drinking a soda. It has lots of sugar and therefore should be enjoyed on occasion.
I chose the Jumex peach nectar that is in a can. I typically enjoy sodas and drinks from a can as I feel the flavor is true. Jumex also sells its drinks in a box-type container.

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