What's one food everybody likes that you hate?

1 year ago

What's one food everybody likes that you hate?
I love fried chicken but I hate wrestling with the bones. I'm always really embarrassed ordering tenders or a sandwich at a chicken place.
i dont like birthday cake.. i always eat apple pie on my birthday lol
It would be faster if I told you what I like
Frosting, wayyyy to sweet
Everybody I know loves cottage cheese, I think it is the most revolting food on the planet
Raisins! I used to like them but now I can't tolerate them.
Oysters. Apparently they're a highclass food? Blech
i CANNOT stand melon and cantaloupe. i am the least picky eater in the world but those make me want to throw up
Sparkling water/ soda water
Marshmallows are disgusting. S’mores are fun to make at a camp fire but I have no desire to consume them. And don’t get me started on “marshmallow spread”, jam/jelly are far superior with peanut butter on a sandwich in every conceivable way.
Crabs. I'm in southern Maryland and being a crab hater here is like being an atheist in the Bible Belt.
Okra!!! And it doesn’t matter how it’s prepared….
Lobster is a cockroach that God failed to drown
“American” cheese. It looks like plastic and it tastes like plastic.
Banana's I know they're good for you etc but the taste and the texture makes me want to vomit
I came here to downvote everyone
Fruit cakes. I just can't handle them. I love cakes, I like fruits. A mix-up? I'll pass
Egplant.. nope!
Twizzlers! Why would people choose to eat candle wax?
Twizzlers and licorice make me gag. So do bananas
It is not a food but I hate Champagne. Tried several from cheep to expensive, can stand the stuff.
Everything from Nestlé r/flocknestle
Coconut water. Tastes like sewer sweat.
my parents are likes chicken’s hearts, liver, and any others animals organs, but when i see it, i’m immediately feel sick
Really not a fan of wasabi! The smell and taste is an instant nope for me, I want to like it but just can’t!
For me it’s cilantro. I have that gene that makes it taste like soap. Even a small amount will completely ruin a dish.
Blue cheese.
Mayonnaise. Never met a person who doesn't like it.
Sour kraut. In my largely German heritage city it's extremely popular but I think it's awful.
I can’t believe I am the only person to say Mushrooms. It is like eating a slimy shoe tongue
Olives. I cannot stand them. To me they taste like vomit and people eat them voluntarily? So weird
Cole slaw
Ranch dressing
Catfish. It tastes like it's been marinated in mud. No amount of Tony Cachere's can make it palatable.
Sweet potato fries.
Potato salad, im from the south and its a staple down here. i cant stand it it makes me wanna barf.
Sushi. I want to like it, but every time I try to eat it, it makes me want to barf. I've tried all different kinds too, but it's never pleasant.
Hotdogs on spaghetti. I eat hotdogs alone but not if it's mixed with other foods.
Don't know about everyone but a lot of people love pumpkin spice and avocados and I can't f××king stand either
Shrimp. Fuck those creepy lil things.
Liver, pigfeet. And oatmeal
Coffee. I've never liked the taste. Others' devotion to it can border on cult-like.
Meatloaf. My main question is how do people like that? It's so mushy and chewing and disgusting. Even tho it's just ground beef shaped into bread. Lol maybe I'm just someone with weird taste buds
Lobster. My whole family adores eating the disgusting ocean roach but me, I’d rather eat a bologna sandwich
Any kind of seafood. Dude, when I say "I don't like seafood", people look at me like I escaped for the madhouse yesterday.
tomatoes. they're soggy and and when you chew them dirty water goes into your mouth. like no. what's even the point of them.
Most dessert items cakes, cupcakes, cookies I can't say they're gross like I see why other people like them but they are too sweet for me especially if there is frosting involved. I prefer pies and muffins.
Pierogi. And I'm from Poland, so I'm bullied a lot.
Christmas plum cake, the ones with “tutti fruiti” in it.
Baked beans
Salmon. Childhood trauma.
Lobster. Its just a big cockroach. Looking at it makes me nauseous.
Honeydew and orange melon
BBQ sauce. What an abomination that is, takes over the flavour of everything.
Lays vinegar chips
Dark chocolate. WAY too bitter for me.

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