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My Country #Australia

2 years ago

🚨 BREAKING: My Country #Australia

Original Song, by The Aussie Senators.
Lyrics, Vocals by Senator Papahatziharalambrous.
Music and Post-Production by Aussie Deplorable
#VoteNo 🐨 🪃 🇦🇺🦘

Lyrics: My Country


On the right
On the left
Are you listening
You're being played by idiots

Verse 1:

She said, do you listen to Main Stream Media?
I said, no way, fuck that for a joke
She said, good. Come, along with me now -
Down this rabbit hole of the 80 year old failed duopoly but
This land has an incredible way of making you love (her)


Our country. Australia
My country. Australia
Your country. Austra—Deserves so much better than

Our country. Australia
My country. Australia
Your country. Austra—Deserves so much better than

Post Chorus:

So better. So much better.
So better. So much better.
So better. So much better.
You know it. I do too

Verse 2:

She said, don't you "love" the way they've f*cked up this country.
I said, everybody knows, but no-one wants do to anything.
Come down, look around, we('ve) gotta find more lions to empower
Deep down in our hearts, you know they're coming for God and our children


Our country. My country.
Your country. Our country.
My country. Your country.
This is Australia -

Pre-Chorus Freestyle: (1:41 - 1:51/52)

Let them know -
I'm gonna make it
every now and then I run,
run and gonna run
keep going and going,
going on strong,
(I'm) Gonna make it
up-up, as we go, FOR -


Our country. Australia
My country. Australia
Your country. Austra—Deserves so much better than

Our country. Australia
My country. Australia
Your country. Austra—Deserves so much better than this (final)

All Right !!


My Country Merch • 105 products with this design


#VoteNo 🪃 🐨 🇦🇺🦘

Lyrics & Vocals ft. Senator Papahatziharalambrous 🎙
Music & Video by Aussie Deplorable
© The Aussie Senators 2020-2023


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