Introduction Video - 1st Video for Rumble

1 year ago

This is the 3rd time that I'm trying to upload this video - the first time I've cancelled on the phone; the 2nd time is still trying to upload itself but I don't know if it's working and it's been about 20 minutes or so for a video that's around 5 minutes long. The phone certainly can upload videos but I don't know why it's not working with this one. i feel frustrated as I want to get this video out and start uploading here but I'm going through this for the first time - to be fair, to undo the frustration I'm feeling, I could give myself a break from the screens so it's not like there's nothing that I can do about it. That said, as I was saying in the description of the 2nd time I tried uploading this video, it seems as though I go through some obstacles like this video not uploading in order for me to make significant progress with something. I don't know why but that has seemed to be the case with (what I'd see as) major things like uploading videos onto a 2nd platform which I think fewer people know about - almost like the 2023 equivalent of what YouTube was like back in the early 2010's back when not as many people knew about platforms like this one.

Initial thoughts on using Rumble:

1: I'm finding it difficult to find how I can upload videos privately on the phone - that option (if that option exists on the phone) has been almost near impossible to find but I feel happy that I can very easily do it on the laptop.
2: I really like that the character limit is 10,000 characters for one video rather than it being 5,000 on YouTube - that's nice that I basically won't have to ever limit how much I can write on one video which I've had to do in the past with YouTube unfortunately.
3: I was going to say that I don't like the fact you can't privately upload onto Rumble although you can on YouTube but that obviously isn't the case as I can see that there's a private option to upload this video privately right now if I wanted to.

Anyway, through these obstacles, I'm pushing forward to be able to get this video out in the air - cheers to getting this video out and cheers to posting many more videos just like this one in which I make a lot of progress in my journey just like how I have been doing on YouTube for the past year!

The video is saying that it's 100% uploaded on the upload video interface in which I'm writing this description on so let's see if I actually get this one out...

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