Dumbbell Circus Press Single Arm Push Press

2 years ago

Start with the dumbbell in between your leg. Deadlift it with 1 or 2 hands depending on how heavy it is. “Clean” the weight or flip it up so you can rest the inside head of the dumbbell on the shoulder. Don’t flare your elbows out excessively here so we protect the shoulder. If you still have both hands on the dumbbell, move your other arm out to the side either straight our or pointed downwards. Keeping your eyes on the weight the entire time, bend your knees then push off the floor as hard as you can at the same time you initiate your overhead press. Your heels may come off the floor if you are explosive enough. Use this “knee-pop” to help you press the weight overhead with momentum. Keeping your body straight and your abs tight the weight should be centered over the head with your eyes up at the weight. If you are pressing with the right arm, your right side of your body will be lengthened reaching up as high as possible over the head. Once the weight is stabilized, lower the weight under control until the head rests on the shoulder.

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