Barbell Glute Bridges

1 year ago

Load up a barbell with plates and use a squat sponge or folded yoga mat to protect your hips from the bar. With your legs straight roll the barbell towards you until it reaches your hip crease. Bend your knees until your feet are flat. Pushing forward on the barbell, push through the heels and tuck the chin until the weight is lifted off the ground and your hips are fully extended with the abs tight. Your shoulders, hips and knees should be in a straight line at the top. Lower the weight under control until the weight is rested on the ground. Repeat for repetitions.

Trainer Tips: As the weights get heavy (~350lbs +), you may need more than just the squat sponge. You can add a folded yoga mat between your hips and the squat sponge.

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