WAKE UP! Pastor Jerry NYE sermon short clip #2

1 year ago

Wake Up! What do you need to get rid of in 2023?
What type of lifestyle is God calling you to live in order to represent Him well in mind, body and spirit?
I’m using Pastor Jerry’s message to help elevate us - my focus this year is to be next level in mind, body and spirit, I encourage you to read Hebrews 12:1-9.

I believe what we do in our spirit affects both the mind and body, so let’s get in touch with our spirit and glorify God in our daily choices.

Let’s not let the devil de-rail us from our goals, or feed into the lie that we can’t do it. Like Jerry said, be the kind of person that when we wake up the devil says “oh crap she’s awake!” Because he knows we are about our Father’s business!
Let’s go to the next level, in 2023 Discover your own FIERCENESS!
I hope this video ministers to your spirit!

Valley Vegas Church New Year’s Eve sermon by Pastor Jerry Johnson


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