UVALDE: Lack of leadership, lies and poor communication equipment being blamed for police response

1 year ago

Communication failures and a lack of leadership in the chaotic response are blamed for why it took 77 minutes to stop the gunman who holed up in two conjoining classrooms, with some officers saying they were not made aware of the 911 calls from children and others saying they could not hear radio transmissions.
The conversation between Khloie and the dispatch operator was, recorded routinely as part of police procedure, shows Pargas calling at 12:16 p.m., about six minutes after Khloie reached 911 and when she was still on the line with a dispatcher, and four minutes after the call information was relayed on the Uvalde police radio channel.
Pargas asks: "So how many are still alive?" and is told: "Eight to nine are still alive. She's not too sure ... She's not too sure how many are actually DOA or possibly injured. We're trying ..."
Pargas ends the call with "OK, OK thanks" and disconnects.

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