Truth Feeds Hope

2 years ago

Change is upon us. It has been such a tough season of time for every nation around the globe. I know our nation has truly struggled this year, it has been a hard, tough year, and has stretch our faith like no other. It feels like we are in a fog and we can’t see ahead of us too far, we can’t see what is ahead because everything is a human mess. In our nation, every stable thing has been shaken, especially our freedom, as God exposes and expunges evil and our transforming God shakes everything that can be shaken.

We were created by God to be free, and born into freedom. The human condition has corrupted and we have fallen far. The tainted evil power of our enemy is using people, enticing them, as they clamor for position, power and money, using so many tactics of our enemy, who wants to steal, kill and destroy us. Our freedom is so fragile, because of the illegitimate authority of the few, who what to steal our liberty, destroy our nationality, and lord over all of us. This is not God’s design for us.

We were created by God to be free. In this life season we are still stuck in a fog without light, without being able to navigate our way as we can’t see too far ahead. We step into a new life season tomorrow, without much change, with illegitimate stolen authority still in position over us, destroying the liberty, justice and destiny of our nations. Our quality of life has diminished and the state of our nation is poor. We choose to focus on Jesus, He is the Fixer, we are not. We make the choice to position ourselves underneath the Rulers hip of God’s Love.

We know, without a doubt, no human being can help us at this point, only God can. This is obvious as we spiral downward as a nation. Knowing God is with us, knowing He will never forsake us, this truth helps us to activate our faith, and our wholly-holy trust in God as God’s truth is the only thing that nourishes our soul with hope, anchoring us during these unstable times. Knowing that God has not abdicated His power to evil, knowing He is in the midst of this storm, and knowing God will intervene and will deliver us from our enemies, out of this fog into His Light of Truth, this truth feeds our hope.

These are horrific times where deception has stolen so much from us, knowing that it will get worse before it gets better. Yet, we know what the reality of truth is: we are free in Christ Jesus, and this is the truth we focus on, this is the truth we live out of as we patiently endure, stepping into the new year, knowing our worldly viewpoint remains really bad, but our kingdom perspective is still very hopeful. We pray God helps us to be gentle as doves, and wise as serpents, and navigates us in this fog until He intervenes in that way only He can. God bless us, in this new year of hope, trust, and belief, and give us the strength we activate our faith and stay on mission with God. God bless you and yours. Dig Deeper:

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