KIRK CAMERON Fights for His 1A Rights- Indianapolis Library Backs Down- Allows Book Reading Session.

1 year ago

KIRK CAMERON Fights for His 1A Rights- Indianapolis Library Backs Down- Allows Book Reading Session.

In this video, we're following up on the story of Kirk Cameron fighting for his 1A rights at the Indianapolis library. After speaking at a book reading session, the library has now allowed him to present his materials in a more open and inclusive setting.

We are following the story of KIRK CAMERON, who is fighting for his 1A rights- his right to read his book " As You Grow" in a public library!

The Indianapolis Library is one of the largest libraries in the United States, and it's home to a prestigious collection of books. But recently, the library got into controversy when KIRK CAMERON tried to read a book in a public library.

Many people support KIRK CAMERON's right to read a book in a public library, but the library manager refused to allow the reading session. Now, KIRK CAMERON is fighting for his rights- and you can help support him by sharing this video on social media

Thanks to the support of the people of Indianapolis, Kirk Cameron has been able to fight for his 1A rights and open up the library to a wider audience. Keep up the great work!

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