Charge to the Front

2 years ago

This song was recorded in 1978 at Beaverwood Studio in Hendersonville, Tennessee.

This song was partly about an old friend named George. He and Mackie-Jo taught me to ride barebacks at Jerry and Peggy King’s ranch. You had to focus on charging to the front with your spurs to keep your balance.

I was at a rodeo with George and he was riding bulls. He had dislocated his shoulder so many times that if he lifted it too fast, it just came out of the socket. At this rodeo, it popped out before his ride. His friends helped pop it back in and strap it tight to his side so he could get back on the bull waiting for him. There is a toughness about cowboys, especially bull riders that most people could never achieve. I hope you enjoy the song. It never seems to grow old if you have a love for a great way of life.

The saddleback artwork was done by Josey Butler of Streakin’ B Art. She is an incredible western artist. Check out her work at You will be amazed!

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