✊ Wake Up America!Take Down The CCP!醒來吧,美國!消灭中共!

1 year ago

🔥 The New Federal States of China (#NFSC) Reaches A New Height And The Global Annihilation Of The CCP Is Just Around The Corner:

💥Many governments will make their updated political assessments of the NFSC, which means that more and more people will stand with us to fight against the CCP till the end.

💥We must rescue more Chinese compatriots and more people worldwide, spread Righteousness throughout the world and awaken the whole world.

✊Wake Up America!Take Down The CCP!
✊Wake Up America!Take Down The CCP!
✊Wake Up America!Take Down The CCP!

#NFSC #AMFEST2022 #WakeUpAmerica
#CCP≠Chinese #TakeDownTheCCP


#新中国联邦 #凤凰城 #WakeUpAmerica
#中共≠中国人 #消灭中共

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