NFSC is America's most important ally to take down the CCP

1 year ago

06/15/2023 Nicole on Wayne Dupree Podcast: Many Congressmen attended the on-site celebration of the third anniversary of the New Federal State of China, although several supportive Congressmen couldn't be present. The New Federal State of China does not seek any financial assistance from the US government. Instead, we rely on our own resources and determination to fight against the CCP. That's why the New Federal State of China is America's most important ally to take down the CCP.
#FreeMilesGuo #FreeYvetteWang
06/15/2023 妮可参加韦恩·杜普里播客(Wayne Dupree Podcast): 有很多国会议员来到现场庆祝新中国联邦的三周年庆典,还有很多未能到场但支持我们的国会议员。新中国联邦不会向美国政府要一分钱,我们会凭借自己的资源和意志和中共战斗。所以新中国联邦是美国打倒中共最重要的盟友。
#释放郭文贵 #释放王雁平

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