The Bill That Would Tax Firearms and Magazines at 1000%

2 years ago

Washington Gun Law President, William Kirk, discusses HR 8051, sponsored by Rep. Donald Beyer, D. Va, which if enacted into law would place a new 1000% excise tax on all magazine holding more than 10 rounds AND any "semi automatic assault weapon" a definition so broad, it encompasses about 90% of the current guns in use for self-defense. However, unlike HR 1808, which will require 60 votes in order to pass out of the Senate, HR 8051 could, theoretically, be passed through reconciliation, which would only require a simple majority vote. So, does this bill actually have a chance of becoming law? Learn more and arm yourself with education today.

Special thanks to Carter C for this video idea.

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Applicable Statutes:

H.R. 8051.

Full Text HR 8051.
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