You Protest your Superiors | Predestination

2 years ago

When you possess the ability and the authority that you desire, you simply act.

When you accept that the ability to change your circumstances and the authority to allow them to change is not yours, you share that information with your superiors.

This sharing can be purely informative and cordial, or sad or angry in the form of protest.

In all cases, the seeming action of the sharing the information about your dissatisfaction externalizes and strengthens your inability to mitigate the circumstances and reinforces the circumstances as they are.

Complaint, protest and all informative forms of communication your dissatisfaction are from of submission to an external authority.

And it is unlikely and irrational for that external authority to act upon or try to mitigate your circumstances in any way that isn't to the benefit of that external authority.

All acts of protest and all acts of rebellion implicitly fail at the moment of action and explicitly fail to rebalance the authority of the opposing parties.

Complaint and protest identifies the antagonist, which is inevitably conquered and appropriated by an for the good of the protagonist.

Recognition of a greater authority and a greater order, even to the effect of opposing it, subverting it, or destroying it reinforces that authority in your own mental structure.

And formally establishes that authority in your external world.

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