cannabis conflicts+the revolving (and reversible!) marijuana plant hat (CANNtrust, uhhhhh no)

1 year ago

pretend it's 1980
very exciting news: i found the cd booklet
way cooler than pressing a button
i promise my life is better
i understand the snobbery
when you appreciate w/ evidence you can be a snob
collectors care more than non-collectors, fuckin duh bitch
i don't have shit on record collectors
i grew up w/ cds, so i do feel attached for that reason alone
one of the only good things about west civ
immediate access to art since they knew we'd be depressed
efforts to force this country to be Christian is kinda silly but maybe i'm wrong
but then when looking around you...
the masses are always reliably stupid
it ain't about govt/higher ups but the minions
the minions make decisions that control their fate, going along w/ their demise
personal choices that they buy into...more more more more more more more
we don't need shit to get by
i talk to joe strummer like he's in the car
we don't have to equalize cos we have Jesus
what if joe (strummer) found Jesus? his music wouldn't have been as good
awwww ian curtis rip
more hope in what artists bring to the table
internet is a mockery of creativity
dealing w/ stuff most people throw pills at
you're not any better reading that self-help book
fuck jordan peterson and fuck joe rogan (again)
people don't value character/integrity (no $ in that)
no heart, no soul w/out Jesus
realizing your own weakness is a gift
drinking coffee like it can save me haha
marijuana is the only thing that makes me feel normal
this particular rhetoric is not helpful
threatening people w/ hellfire doesn't steer them in the God direction
marijuana legalization makes me nervous
you don't love weed, you love getting high
schizo priv=always high
that coming home feeling, that's what weed does for me
potheads have a special relationship w/ cannabis
no other drug advertised like this
i am all of those people
most people don't use marijuana as a tool
heroin might be a tool tho fuck it
shitty mindset from existential crisis
they will abuse whatever can possibly be a drug
i have a pair of marijuana socks too they really are great
no poppy seed shirts
drinkin taaka everyday to survive this world (not grey goose)
reminiscing on old times, double A vodka
of course it's not real pot up the street
these mfs dunno what they're doing
this has happened enough times to convince me
getting closer to God will steer you away from the bad stuff
if you're alive in Christ you never die
so many in society are already dead
i will never badmouth the plant that helped me tremendously
kill yourself vs. buy another bag of pot
low grade drug addict, so true!
i will debate anyone on this not that it fucking matters
legality is not positive esp when they're already really stupid
if only they'd be like jefferson airplane
nobody is well rounded in their debate skills
i am attached to maryjane
using marijuana to understand society's gross attachment to smartphones
such a hothead you'd never know she's a pothead
just reading the Bible, that's all we can do as a solution
i am pretty long winded yawl, sari

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