Jordan Peterson - what else did he do?

2 years ago

The Jordan Peterson phenomenon consists of a number of parts. Here I talk more about embodiment, intuitive knowledge, the nature of objects and how phenomenology plays into the nature of Peterson's engagement.
I also do some tie in with the work of John Vervaeke. His relevance realization nicely explains part of what Peterson is pointing at. I very much believe that Vervaeke's work (which I think of as a science of meaning) is a helpful frame for gaining insight into Peterson.
By understanding some of what he is doing, we gain an appreciation for the nature of authority, Karl Jung, different types of knowing and authenticity. It is my hope that this helps people to engage with the complexity of what Peterson is doing so that they can understand why he is reaching the people that he is.
Animation by Yana Petkova - music by Rizzi - editing done by Michál José
Jordan Peterson - What did he do?
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