Can you bend them strings and moan the Blues?

1 year ago

Just some tips on how not to be "That Guy", yeah don't be "That Guy". Im not naming names but some people, when they bend it is just awful. I had to go get testosterone therapy the first time I heard this one band and it was ok until a guitarist who rhymes with Dirk Hannek started bending, and then he hit that wah, and it was like, OMG please, PLEEEEEASE. However, he proved the Lord does indeed exist because that sound was evil and not even in a cool way. Well, in order to have Evil we must have Good. I'm going to start doing longer videos and could use your help by liking and subscribing and anything else you might be able to help me with regarding algorithms and stuff I'm game.

I know I won't live forever, and too many great friends died and took their knowledge with them. I dedicated my life to this instrument and teaching it. I started teaching in 1996. Please, please, please share these videos as well!! Thank you in advance, I really hope we can make this a great thing and I can provide great lessons free of charge by having enough traffic and advertisers. I'm game for endorsements as well, don't send me crap, and if it's a good product, I absolutely will plug it and sell it for you.

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