Steve Kirsch Interviews Dr. Aseem Malhotra

2 years ago

Steve Kirsch writes:

My 80-minute interview with famous UK cardiologist Aseem Malhotra. He went from pro-vax to anti-vax. He noted that “No cardiologist that you know of is getting any more COVID jabs. That’s information that’s been shared with me since my publication.” Guess what? The mainstream UK press is NOT covering that.

In one year, the UK has gone from nearly all the UK cardiologists getting jabbed to all of them refusing to get any more. That’s a pretty dramatic shift in opinion in 1 year. The narrative cannot be maintained much longer. How many years will it be before the mainstream media reports this?

We covered a lot of ground in the 80 minute interview which I recorded using for crystal clarity of the video, then I imported into Davinci Resolve to assemble the two videos and normalize the sound levels.

Topics covered (but not in this order):

• WHO says that patients should be fully informed of side effects but for the vaccine the rule doesn’t apply

• Is there a scientific reason that vaccines should have liability protection? What happened when India refused to offer it? [Kudos to India for being smarter than the rest of the world health authorities.]

• When does the nonsense stop in the UK?

• Will anyone debate you? Why do they all refuse?

• Is the vaccine helpful for anyone?

• C, D, Zinc + nasal rinses: far better than vaccines for COVID?

• 8% needed to seek medical attention after the vax (per v-safe, rasmussen, and my surveys). Is that “safe”? Or ridiculously unsafe? What should it be?

• How many red-pilled cardiologists are there in the UK? It went from 5% against to 100% against in just one year!

• What are the death and disability rates from the vax?

• Is there enough evidence now to stop the vaccines? So why aren’t they?

• Does the vax do anything good? Or is it all net bad?

• Did the press cover your paper? WTF?!!? Why not? They covered all your other papers!

• You got the vax. Have you screened yourself for subclinical myocarditis?

• How confident are you that your dad died suddenly due to the vaccine?

• Nobody wanted to see the Israeli safety data. Ever heard of that before?

• What do you think of the embalmer clots?

• How are they trying to discredit you? Have people accused you of being a grifter? Motivations?

• Has anyone published a rebuttal to your paper? With the entire world against you (at least publicly), it seems odd nobody is challenging your papers on COVID.

Original Rumble Video:


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