Porn Addiction Series [Ep-01]: The light at the end of the tunnel | The Unsheathed Podcast

1 year ago

(Message from hosts)

In this episode, we talk about porn's affects and effects on humans and the light at the end of this tunnel after you revive yourself from this addiction. We tried presenting scenarios as to what you can possibly do and what you will actually get to do. Cure yourself from this addiction as early as possible, the world needs you, you are here for a reason, do not let your mark be washed away by these vile and pathetic addictions and crimes against yourself. We did not do it justice by any means however we tried from whatever knowledge we have. -[Syzerial]

Porn takes us away from our purpose, our aspirations, and taking action towards becoming the best version of ourselves in this world. This means it also takes advantage of us, takes away our precious time, energy, and motivation. Don't let it control you. Hence, in this first episode, we talked a lot about the myriad of things in life you should be excited about, develop on, and spend time on. The idea is that if you at least have a map of all the awesome and exciting and good things in life, you'd remember them and not let porn be a part of your life, just because of so many better things to do, get better at, and ultimately develop yourself as the best version of yourself, to lead the best life in this world and attain Jannah in the Next In'Sha'Allah. And so, you'd start taking action towards breaking out of porn addiction in case you are inflicted with it. Since it's the first episode, we don't really talk about the exact hows, but the whys. -[Zubayer]
Porn addiction has become a pandemic destined to ruin humanity from its core, connected to our desires this addiction has a firm root and can easily blind anyone into thinking "its normal", however from considerable research over the past and the ails towards society, porn has never been of aid to either man or woman. The decline of human connection and birth rates can also be considered a sign of both porn and adultery.
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Tags: #pornaddiction #selfimprovement #muslims #muslimmen #menhealth #finance

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