suicide prevention: don't live in western civ

2 years ago

that's ruru and tails
a lotta stuff on me all the time
that weirdo that has ____
slowing down cos of the five uh! oh!
such an amazing joke right there
how come he hasn't been sitting there the whole time
i totally lost my train of thought...eventually i will talk about what i was originally intending to mention
nobody chose this shit
i woulda chosen a way different time
i am supposed to redirect people back to the reason why they're here
what's gonna happen to a lotta people i know
so many don't have time to invest in their Spiritual life
their current life sucks, don't wanna envision what their after life is gonna be
i can't believe i didn't read the Bible sooner
you won't get anything outta the Bible if you ain't seeking the truth
donald trump inspired so much
not gonna support a candidate all cos you hope things will change
not dumb but naive these people
vernacular is important
doesn't that sound like a porn involving only words
never felt like i belonged in this world
suicidal, naturally hahaha
slow but eventual suicide
capitalism is designed to profit off of society's misery
that's what i hear you saying...
when looking at other people's bad decisions this must be remembered
people dunno how to make due
hashtag i'm on the internet and i dunno what else to do
the happiest people are unconventional
they're fine w/ the system when _____
you should always be worried about yer kids
i wouldn't want my kids associating w/ yer kids
the chance of people being a full on retard is 100% in america
cmon SUV i wanna do it now, WAITING
this invention needs to happen
...but that would be distracting
i will totally admit that i do stuff that probably ain't smart
you will still say what i've already said
trained by society to tear people apart
if people did what i did on yt/rumble, they wouldn't do half the shit they do on a regular basis
since everybody is a woman/vulture...
everything is a pretentious attempt to convince people of one thing or another
i just come as i am, and there is nothing more offensive than that
people care too much about the world's opinion (dunderheads that vote)
they believe in a crumbling social structure
shocking to most, comforting to a tiny sliver
real artists bah bah bah bah bah annoying and pretentious i know
i guess he saw sumin in me that i couldn't see at the time
the way i liv
e is artistic
some people do it as a hobby whereas others it's an entire way of life
i'm right, everyone else is wrong
it's fine to think this way cos it's true
such a good fox cos he is always praying
he doesn't need to worry anymore cos his sins are accounted for
he might as well be dreaming cos he's in constant prayer mode
he's the happiest fox outta all of em, we're gonna teach ruru how to pray
i'm sure you'll see this footage again unless i get fired today
where's my mgr???

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