Jesus says... Follow Me courageously on the narrow Path ❤️ Heavenly Gifts thru Jakob Lorber

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Follow Me courageously on the narrow Path!

Heavenly Gifts

Follow Me courageously on the narrow Path!

February 8, 1842

3 scripture texts

Jesus explains the meaning of the following 3 scripture texts to Marie H., Wilhelmine H. and Pauline H.

Acts 12:8… Then the angel said to him… ‘Gird yourself and tie on your sandals’ – and so he did. And he said to him… ‘Put on your garment and follow me.’
Mark 6:51… Then He went up into the boat to them, and the wind ceased. And they were greatly amazed in themselves beyond measure, and marveled.
Acts 20:10… But Paul went down, fell on him, and embracing him said… ‘Do not trouble yourselves, for his life is in him.’

Jesus elucidates…
1. Sometimes during autumn, apparently by chance, according to the eyes of man, a tiny whirlwind collects the leaves of different trees into a single pile, and similarly it is when complete strangers come together that it appears as nothing but a chance encounter. Again the same seems to apply here as well, that these 3 different texts, with vastly differing origins, have been chosen and brought together here by you, My dear children.

But it is not so! The fact that the whirlwind forms a single pile of leaves from many different trees, that the 3 strangers come together and form a joyous companionship, and that these 3 different texts from the New Testament have been collected here, has an underlying cause, which has been well thought out and regulated by Me from eternity.

2. Which of these is more important… A sparrow on a roof, a hair atop a head, or 3 texts from My book, imbued with eternal life?

3. But if I care for even the sparrow and most accurately keep track of every single hair atop the head of man, so that the sparrow will not fall off the roof and not a single hair will be moved without My will, then how much more important are the things to Me that are to your benefit, the things that elevate you to eternal life! So, let us now take a look at how these 3 different texts you have chosen fit together.

4. You see, My apostle was a prisoner, and in said prison, through his living faith and great love, he blessed, praised and called upon My living name, within which lies the greatest might, power and authority. I sent him a messenger from the heavens, so he may free him from the cell he was kept in. Now mind you, almost every good Christian, that is, a complete confessor of My Word and My name in his heart, is being kept in such a cell.

5. This cell is the world, and into this dark dungeon I continually send redeeming messengers from the heavens. Even until this very hour, these messengers have one and the same mission: To call out to the prisoners. Gird yourselves with self-abnegation, put on the sandals of humility and take up the mantle of innocence and love… and finally: Follow Me in confidence along the narrow path and through the tight gateway, out of the dark and deadly dungeon of the world!

Those who, like the apostle, follow the call of the heavenly messengers in all things, will soon be lead by them to the shores of the great sea of mercy and grace. There they will behold the great waves of the sea crashing against the shore, where the ship that will carry them across to the eternal life awaits their arrival. A certainly immense fear will take hold of them as they see their ship swaying back and forth upon the waves of the holy and eternal sea of My mercy and grace, and the roaring wind racing across it will likely not still the trembling fear within their hearts.

6. But then, when they are led inside the ship by the messenger, and they see Me arriving and entering with them, then the winds will subside, and the sea will calm. How great will their amazement be that here they have found the true and most blessed eternal life, here where they had anxiously expected the demise of their being.

7. Behold, with this we have already consolidated the first 2 texts, as if they had been intimately connected to one another since eternity.

8. And so we will now attempt to affix the third text to the previous 2 as well. For you to properly understand this, you must first carefully consider the state of things upon the ship.

9. The state upon the ship, that is, in relation to Me, is the condition of utter contrition when faced with My infinite and divine holiness. Even though this state is absolutely necessary for the ultimate acquisition of eternal life, it is nevertheless a final plunge into the depths of one’s own nothingness, facilitating the elimination of all worldly matters, meaning all thoughts and desires up to the last penny, everything, that has somehow sticked itself on you in the world.

In this state, man appears completely dead. So, how does he come back to life? Now behold what the third text has to say about this: Paul, who is a teacher of love – meaning, My invigorating love itself – embraces him fully and says to the other fearful ones, those who have not taken this final plunge yet: Be still and do not fear, and behold, his soul, imbued with My Spirit of eternal life, is still within him, and he will continue to dwell in the bosom of My infinite, fatherly love.

10. And you can clearly recognize, that this matter is true and this second and final state is necessary, by the fact, that if someone boards a ship on a shore, he does so with the intent of crossing the sea to reach the shore on the other side. This last state is the final shore, the goal which every honest Christian must reach, like My disciple did. For whoever does not reach this final shore will never be taken into My bosom.

11. Now you see, My dear daughters, how neatly and orderly these 3 different texts fit together, eternally united for the acquisition of the eternal life. This pleases you, isn’t it so?

12. But now I tell you: Vividly apply these texts to your lives as well; only then will you come to know how truly good, loving and compassionate I, your true, holy Father am. My blessing be with you. Amen!

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