Things Are Rapidly Changing

1 year ago

I heard a man argue that we only have a very short window of opportunity to determine what we can and should do with AI once we understand its potential effects. I don't really agree; I think we both have a window that will remain open for a very long time and none at all (in the sense that you can't put this genie back in the bottle).

After spending a considerable amount of time learning about new technologies' capabilities and potential dangers, we develop tools—mostly in the form of taboos—for determining when and how they should be utilized. However, until you have actually experienced the negative outcomes, you literally cannot intelligently form the taboos.

I don't have the foggiest idea what the adverse results will be, yet I bet there will be a ton. Additionally, we won't have the systems in place to deal with those negative outcomes for some time, possibly even a generation or two. Because of how things have been with the internet in the past, I'm concerned about changes piling up. It's going to be difficult.

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