"Senate & House Final Debate & Vote For:" HB281, HB282 State, Capital, Mental Health, PFD, Suppl…

2 years ago

The Six People Below Hold Full Responsibility for Our PFD's Being Nearly the "Only Thing" Cut from the Budget. Every Special Interest Pork Item, Including the Illegal Forward Funding for K-12 to the Tune of $1.2 Billion was left in the Budget.

These People Below Hopefully will be looking for new Jobs at the end of this Session....

Representative Dan Ortiz
Representative Bart LeBon
Senator Bert Stedman
Senator Click Bishop
Senator Bill Wielechowsk

Now the Illegal Funding for Early Education & K-12, to the tune of $1.2 Billion, will remain. All the bonuses & raises that was given to nearly all Government Agencies will remain. The only Pork Spending they will cut will be in Red Districts which they moved into the CBR Vote, along with half of the Stimulus Check. Can You Say "Blackmail, Coercion, Manipulation, Threats?" They did this to punish those Legislators and the Constituents they represent. Why? Because those districts won’t support the corrupt Agenda those in control in Juneau & the ones that appointed them, Radical Agenda.

Only the top 20% of Alaskans get to feast off of this budget. As for the other 80% of us. Bend over here it comes up the A** again. Hope you know it was our money they have stolen to hand over to those the “Far Left” the Radical Left call the 1%, once again.

Funny how that always seems to happen.

Biggest Pork Spending Budget Alaskans Have Seen in Decades. Excluding our PFD's. It all should be on the chopping block & just like we have seen them do over the past six years. The Special Interests will Feast & the Majority of Alaskans they will laugh at once again, thanking us all for letting them steal our money, to hand over to them.

Meanwhile In Alaska House & Senate…

Blackmail, Coercion, Thinly Veiled Threats, are all the tactics the Illegal Binding Caucus Majority in the House & Senate will continue to use to get the Minority to vote on this Corrupt Joint Committees Consolidated Budget.

Let’s make something perfectly clear here they are more than happy to break the law & overdraw to pay for Forward Funding K-12. Won’t cut one penny of the $3.5 Billion they are giving them. Knowing full well their budget should only be $1.3 Billion.

Instead of doing the right thing, they Will Steal Our PFD's!

Do you have your Popcorn Ready for the Clown Show that is about to happen?

Their Greed & Entitlement in Juneau is Astounding!
Alaskan Just Can’t Fathom It!

The Unions, NEA, Rasmuson Foundation, Save Our State, Ship Creek Group & many, many others not listed here. Gave them their Marching Orders, to not let Alaskans have our Lawfully Owed Fair Share. That only they deserve that $4.5 Billion Surplus in Tax Revenue & to get our PFD’s to spend.

Get your Popcorn Ready! The Clown Show in is About to Begin.....

$9 Billion Dollars is the Budget…. $19 Billion when adding in the Federal Money they have.

This budget, for the first time in Seven years did include our Statutory PFD, being paid using the 4 Decade Old "Statutory PFD Law!". Sadly in the Joint Committee.. It will be the very first thing they remove I predicted & that's exactly what they did.

Things you should know:

Nearly 40% of Alaskans, thanks to the pandemic, now live on one form of welfare or another. We were just less than 1/3 our population, before it all started.

Sadly people like Rep. Poison Ivy, Rep Bryce Edgmon, Rep. Neal Foster, Rep Kelly Merrik, Rep. Lymon Hoffman, Rep Garan Tarr, Rep Ken McCarthy, Rep Tiffany Zulkosky, Rep Josiah Patkotak, Rep James Kofman, Rep Louise Stutes, just to name a few.
They all think Handing over millions & billions from our State, Local, & federal government to the Special Interests, is more important than All Alaskan Families who are being crushed by the Radical Left & Brandon Administration Life Destroying Policies.

730,000 Alaskans, 120,000 of them are our children are counting on them to do the right thing by Voting Yes to “Following the Law”, for the first time in seven long years.
Eagle River Republican/Democrat Merrick who sold out to the Unions, Alaska AFL-CIO has told her and Rep Zack Fields to Vote No, making it clear they don’t represent the constituents that voted them into office. Both care more about spending all that federal money & our PFD’s every year, handing it over to the Special Interests, then helping the people who live in there districts.

Sadly it’s year Number 7 for Alaskans to get the shaft & our Stolen PFD’s to once again head directly into the Special Interests pocket books, not ours.

The Names listed above is just a very short list of those Lawbreaking Legislators in Juneau, who have sold out to Special Interests, they think that the PFD belongs to them.
Don't let the House & Senate get away with this. Alaskans don't need another black pill p…

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