02-25-24 - Q&A with WA Governor Candidate Semi Bird (with question times

6 months ago

Q&A with WA Governor Candidate Semi Bird
Spokane, WA, Calvary Church - 2-25-24


Q1 - 0:00:38 - Moderator askes question regarding the amount of power a governor has, including individual rights.

Q2 - 0:04:09 – Moderator suggests there are shenanigans going forward regarding voting systems. Bird speaks to Presidential Primary ballot with R or D on envelope next to name. Supports in person voting, and states how he will keep the public informed regarding bills that Bird submits.

Q3 - 0:07:25 – Moderator: WA State economy issues – companies leaving WA due to taxes.
Bird spoke regarding many solutions including education mentorship programs

Q4 - 0:10:29 – Moderator: Our Crime issue – Bird first points the audience to his web site for posted promises as to how he intends to reduce crime and fix many of Washington's problems. Then he continues with specifics, including how a governor in our state can take specific actions to protect the citizens of our state. Homelessness – no tax increases -

Q5 - 0:14:54 – Moderator on Public Education. State Policies, Gender Identity, Transgender issues. Bird speaks to the failing education results in our state and what he will do to correct.

Q6 - 0:19:33 – Moderator – LGBTQ community rights being taken away?

Q7 – 0:21:41 – Moderator – How can you win in a BLUE state? Bird provides many great talking points!

Audience Questions:

Q8 – 0:31:09 – Chris McIntosh – What can people here today do to insure you are our next governor?

Q9 – 0:33:40 – Audience – Prayer for Semi

Q10 – 0:35:01 – Audience – Regarding Election Integrity – Semi shares he is releasing (in two weeks) a new system that will insure they will utilize and new voting system for integrity. Press Release coming.

Q11 – 0:37:03 – Jim Gravas – Asking for help because he need signs to get out – Bird gives him his personal number.

Q12 – 0:38:16 – Audience – How will you deal with Teachers Union?

Q13 – 0:40:46 – Audience – Regarding Border War, and here in Washington State – What can you do?

Q14 - 0:43:42 – Audience – ProLife / ProChoice Issues – waffle?

Q15 – 0:46:38 – Tim Kienly – Brings up a charge against Bird – please explain. Charged with a crime 30 years ago regarding a missing handgun issued to him while he was a law enforcement officer. This charge was found to be not accurate and all charges were dropped. Listen to this detailed explanation. Regards “Restore Washington” and elite establishment (Washington Mainstream)

Q16 – 0:51:11 – Brenda Dutton – Regarding Mandates that ignore the will of the people. This pertains to many issues including recent laws regarding sexual preferences.

Q17 – 0:54:56 – Audience – Will you be able to help Tim Eyeman get out of his civil suit? Spoke to Eyeman’s successes and how the state ignored the will of the people re $30 Tabs.

Q18 – 0:56:25 – Jessica Yeager – Call to action to financially support Bird.

Q19 – 0:57:40 – Audience – BREAK – Birds speaks out regarding PDC complaints – all cancelled – but, the slander continues. Back to the question. Will you push for 2nd amendment reversals and allow Constitutional Carry?
Bird says he will suspend all gun rights violations.

Q20 – 1:02:37 – Audience – Foreign National Corporations buying United States land.

Q21 – 1:04:51 – Audience – How are you going to get a centrist team to work with you from the legislature?

Q22 – 1:08:56 – Audience – Question re Culp election. Interesting question – Bird takes the conspiracy to the future solution.

Q23 – 1:12:04 - Audience – Question – regarding turning in a fentanyl issue – reporting a crime.

Q24 – 1:14:08 – Audience – Cancel Culture – what can you do regarding this and free speech? Earn respect – communicate.

Q25 – 1:18:45 – Young person – Question – Why you want to be Governor?

Q26 – 1:20:23 – Young Person – Question – What is that Christian teachers cannot teach the Christian parts in history?

Q27 – 1:21:43 – Audience – Attacks against our kids in schools (Narcan) – what is your solution?

Q28 – 1:23:29 – Cecily Wright – Endorsement for Bird – Concerned about their strategy – No names used – We need a way to get you in front of the other side people. Point that we ALL need to get out and vote at the PRIMARYS -

Q29 - 1:27:43 - Audience – “Constitutional Republic” sold him – Endorsement for President.

Q30 – 1:29:00 – Audience – Delegate process – who are we supporting for President – Trump - King County question regarding Reichert was appointed sheriff and next time ‘elected’ because he ran unopposed.

Q31 – 1:30:34 – Audience – Question again pertaining to checking off R or D on the Presidential Primary envelope.

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