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The Only Obligation | Patriarchs

2 years ago

Our responsibility begins and ends with sharing the Truth.

The only good we can and are required to do is to share the pattern of self-realization as it manifests in our personal experience.

All we can and must do is clarify and elaborate our experience, which is a reflection of The experience, so that others may extract the components that they require for the fulfillment of their own patterns.

Any direct aid or charity is a burden in the long run to the receiver, as her or she is directed away from the one true God and is made subservient and dependent on an idol, which you become for others.

All true progress and sustained adjustment of circumstances comes as a product of the individual’s own realization of his or her power and decision to adopt a new state and create new mental circumstances.

We can distinguish idolatrous charity from mutually beneficial cooperative exchange of truth using our selfish desires.

The charitable or philanthropic foundation, which is destroying the individual for the sake of the cause will not admit or even prioritize the self-serving nature of the endeavor.

And only when we can admit and righteous proclaim the purpose of our actions as service to our “I Am” can the people and groups who we are interacting with accept and elevate the purpose of their own actions to that of their own individual “I Ams.”

To accept order in the world, the possibility of progress, is to accept a god.

And to accept a god, we must accept omnipotence in the context of which we have no enemies, opposition, or evils to fight against.

We can simply show how all conflict is internal.

And that good news is the only possibility and all that is required for the salvation of every person.

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